Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT)

Do you look forward to an afternoon nap? Has your libido dropped? Are you suffering from mental fog? If so, you may benefit from Low T treatment.

Testosterone Replacement Therapy is a great option for men who are looking to minimize symptoms of low testosterone and improve their mental, physical, and sexual health. At CoastalT, Testosterone Replacement Therapy is customized to suit your individual lifestyle and needs. Our medically supervised treatment is designed to work with your daily routine and restore your testosterone levels back to a healthy range.

  • Testosterone makes a man look and feel like a man. In a man, this hormone helps:

    • Keep bones and muscles strong

    • Determine hair growth and where fat is on the body

    • Make sperm, maintain sex drive and erections

    • Make red blood cells

    • Boost energy and mood

  • Causes of low testosterone include:

    • Medicine side effects, such as from chemotherapy.

    • Testicle injury or cancer.

    • Problems with glands in the brain (hypothalamus and pituitary) that control hormone production.

    • Low thyroid function.

    • Too much body fat (obesity).

    • Excessive alcohol consumption

    • Sleep apnea

    • Other disorders, chronic diseases, treatments, or infection.

    Some men with low testosterone do not have any symptoms. Others may have:

    • Low sex drive

    • Problems having an erection

    • Low sperm count

    • Sleep problems such as insomnia

    • Decrease in muscle size and strength

    • Bone loss

    • Increase in body fat

    • Lower self-confidence, low motivation, Poor concentration, Depression. Mental fog

    • Fatigue

    • Aging skin

    • Enlarged or tender breasts

    Some symptoms may be a normal part of aging. For example, it is normal to feel less interested in sex as you get older. But, it is not usually normal to have no interest in sex.

    If any of these symptoms are bothering you, talk with your provider. It is important to be aware that some of these symptoms could be linked with other disorders such as hypothyroidism, diabetes, cardiovascular disease just to name a few. At CoastalT, we help determine the root cause of your symptoms and get you the correct treatment.

    Take the Adam Questionnaire below to see if Low T might be the cause of your symptoms!

Low T Treatment Options and Who Shouldn’t Take TRT

If you have Low T, hormone therapy may help. The medicine used is man-made testosterone. This treatment is called testosterone replacement therapy, or TRT. TRT can be given as a pill, gel, patch, injection, or implant. At CoastalT, we prefer gels and injections as they are better absorbed and easier to adjust when needed.  

Gels are self-administered at home. They are applied daily to the upper arms, shoulders, and abdomen, as these regions have thinner skin that enhances absorption while minimizing potential side effects. Because it is absorbed through the skin, certain precautions are necessary to prevent accidental exposure to others you may touch, especially women and children. 

Injections can be given at CoastalT or self-administered at home. These intramuscular injections are administered 1-2 times per week into the buttock or thigh. If you choose this type of administration, CoastalT will instruct you on the process. Be sure to store new and used syringes and needles out of the reach of children and pets. You will need to dispose of the used needles properly. There are no other special precautions. 

You can effectively boost testosterone naturally by consuming a diet rich in protein, vitamin D, and zinc, exercising regularly, minimizing stress, and getting enough sleep. Men with low T, however, often feel fatigued and have trouble sleeping, which leads to less exercise and poor food choices, creating a vicious cycle. Testosterone replacement therapy can effectively treat those and other symptoms of low T. 

In addition, if you are a person who prefers to use herbal supplements that may help, you do have options. The problem with herbal supplements, though, is that many in the medical community doubt their efficacy due to lack of evidence in research. However, there are also reports of people noticing an increase in their testosterone levels using herbs. If you are interested in learning more, this can be discussed in your consultation.

YOU ARE NOT A CANDIDATE if you have a history of enlarged prostate, blood clots or certain blood disorders.. The long-term risks of the therapy aren’t completely known. But it is believed that it can promote cancerous growth and worsen prostate cancer. 

TRT can also increase your risk of suffering from heart disease and stroke. This is in connection with how testosterone can promote the formation of clots in your veins which is why periodic monitoring is essential. 

  • Most men begin to see improvements in symptoms within weeks. Injections tend to work more quickly than other administration routes such as pellets, gels or patches, the information below gives you a general idea of what to expect after testosterone replacement therapy begins.

    1 Week

    Insulin sensitivity improves.

    3 Weeks

    Interest in sex returns, quality of life increases, inflammation declines, and mood begins to improve.

    1 Month

    Sexual performance and satisfaction start to increase but may take up to 6 months.

    3 Months

    Fat mass begins to decrease, and lean muscle mass increases. Total cholesterol decreases, with maximum improvement achieved at about 12 months.

    12 Months

    Glycemic control and lumbar bone density increase. Bone mass can continue to improve for up to 3 years.

  • TRT has several known risks and side effects. These may include:

    Testicular shrinkage and Low sperm count, infertility

    Enlarged prostate leading to difficulty urinating

    Worsening cardiovascular disease

    Sleep problems

    Cholesterol problems

    Increased risk of blood clots, heart attack, and stroke

    Breast size increase


    Fluid retention

 It’s important to talk with your hormone specialist and carefully weigh these potential risks and benefits before beginning treatment. Side effects are not uncommon with any type of hormonal treatments, and not just limited to testosterone replacement therapy. This is why regular blood analysis and followup appointments are vital. There are medications that can treat and offset these effects. 

It should be noted that some men may not benefit much, if at all, from the therapy. If you do not notice any change in symptoms after treatment for 3 months, it is less likely that TRT treatment will benefit you. 

Most men over the age of 40 show some signs of low testosterone. If your symptoms are becoming bothersome or you simply want to feel better, discuss treatment options with the team at CoastalT. 

  • There is no specific age at which it’s best to begin testosterone replacement therapy. Even though low T can occur at any age, it typically occurs some time after age 40. Unlike menopause, which involves rapidly declining levels of estrogen, andropause involves the gradual loss of testosterone.

    You can continue testosterone replacement therapy for as long as you’re benefiting from it. At CoastalT we monitor your symptoms periodically and make adjustments as needed.